Chemical peels offer a safe and non-surgical way to dramatically revitalize your appearance. These are simple, in-office procedures that stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities. With these professional peels, special solutions are applied to the surface layers of the skin. These solutions remove the topmost, damaged layers of the dermis to give the visage a fresh and perfectly polished look. As dry, damaged and dead skin cells are quickly replaced by new ones, people often see noticeable decreases in things like fine lines, dark spots, age spots, enlarged pores and moderate acne scars, among many other things. They also experience significant and long-lasting increases in their normal collagen production.
Advances in Chemical Peels
Chemical peels have been used by consumers for decades to diminish the early signs of aging and to reduce the appearance of noticeable blemishes. In the past, however, these were aggressive treatments that often left the face in need of several weeks of diligent pampering. Now, however, these peels are more about infusing the skin with essential antioxidants and vitamins that promote the production of collagen and revitalize the dermis from the foundation up. As such, people can look forward to significantly less discomfort post-treatment, and healthier, younger-looking and far more pliable skin overall.
Chemical Peels Can Be Performed at Different Depths
When deciding whether or not a chemical peel procedure is right for you, our provider will assess the type, location, and severity of your skin issues. Chemical peels can be performed at different depths according to each patient’s individual goals and needs. Light chemical peels are intended to treat mild surface issues, while deeper peels can address problems pertaining to skin texture, such as deep and pitted acne scars.
Keeping Your Skin Protected After a Chemical Peel
One of the most important things for people to do after their chemical peel procedure is to diligently protect their skin from sun exposure. After a peel, the dermis is especially susceptible to sun damage and sunburn. Our team will make sure to provide you with aftercare instructions in order to protect your skin.
Contact Us Today to Learn More
To get all the facts about chemical peels, make an appointment at Coastal Dermatology & Plastic Surgery, with offices in Los Alamitos, Huntington Beach, Tustin and Mission Viejo. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our specialist!